Authors: Vinayak A, Greene CE, Moore PA, Powell-Johnson G
Publications: J Am Vet Med Assoc 2004;224:1804-1807, 1788-1809
Species: Dogs
Diseases: Brucellosis
A 2-year-old spayed female mixed-breed dog was referred with an 8-month history of recurrent bilateral anterior uveitis and hyphema secondary to infection with Brucella canis. Treatment with doxycycline PO and atropine and prednisone acetate topically prior to referral had failed to resolve the ocular inflammation. Successful control of ocular inflammation was achieved after initiation of treatment with gentamicin SC and ciprofloxacin and doxycycline PO. The finite indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) titer was reduced by half, and results of an agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test became negative after rifampin was added to the treatment protocol. Treatment with gentamicin was eventually discontinued because of evidence of renal toxicosis and cutaneous reactions to repeated injections. Thirty-five months after initial examination of the dog, results of the AGID test were still negative, the finite IFA titer was stable, and ocular inflammation had resolved, suggesting that the ocular infection may have been eliminated. To our knowledge, this represents the first report of the successful treatment of ocular inflammation caused by B canis infection in a dog. [Note: The Veterinary Medical DataBase was used to obtain initial data on the prevalence of B. canis. VMDB records from 1964 though 2003 were searched for the appropriated diagnostic code. Data was provided by 19 of the 26 instances found. The above case report with large scale data also discusses 38 cases with ocular lesions.]