Authors: O'Brien DJ, Kaneene JB, Getis A, Lloyd JW, Rip MR, Leader RW
Publications: Prev Vet Med 1999;42:
Species: Dogs
Diseases: Neoplasia
Although rates are commonly used to compare regional disease occurrence, rate-independent methods might also be useful in circumstances where geographic occurrence of a disease is known, but calculation of disease rates is not feasible. This is frequently the case for diseases in companion animals, where accurate enumeration of populations-at-risk is often arduous. This study had two objectives: to demonstrate a rate-independent method for investigating disease aggregation in companion animals; and, to assess the spatial and temporal clustering of canine cases of four cancers that are biologically similar in dogs and humans. Geographic information systems and point-pattern analysis were used to assess the spatial and temporal clustering of incident cases of four types of canine cancer in three counties in Michigan between 1964 and 1994, and to generate hypotheses concerning disease aggregation. Significant (P < or = 0.01) spatial clustering was found that varied by county and cancer type. No definitive temporal patterns could be deduced from a temporal analysis of the cases of canine cancer in this study. These results demonstrate distance-based methods for assessing clustering of disease, and suggest that processes determining the aggregation of canine cancer cases do not act in a spatially uniform manner. [Note: Case records for this study were initially obtained from VMDB. Additional patient information was then obtained from diagnostic case records stored at Michigan State University.]