A review of deep mycotic infections assessed incidence, signalment, clinical presentation, and outcome in 571 feline cases. Pertinent findings included a predisposition in young, male cats for Sporothrix schenckii and Blastomyces dermatitidis. There was an increased incidence of feline leukemia virus infection in cases with histoplasmosis and of feline panleukopenia virus infection in cases with either aspergillosis or mucoralosis. Few other predisposing conditions were identified. Cryptococcosis, coccidioidomycosis, and sporotrichosis had better prognoses for recovery. Blastomycosis, histoplasmosis, and aspergillosis commonly were disseminated infections and were associated with guarded-to-poor prognoses. [Note: Data sources used for this study included VMDB discharges and that information was used to obtain cases from the literature and the contributing hospital (Va/Md CVM). Searches of discharges between 1964 through 1994 were used as the basis of the report.]