Introduction: The purpose of this study was to quantitate the risk and to describe the behavior of mast cell tumors (MCT) in Pugs. Methods and Materials: Using the VeterinaryMedicine Database, the frequency of MCT in Pugs was compared to the frequency in other dogs using a Chi-square test.To describe the biologic behavior ofMCTin pugs, cases with histologically confirmed diagnosis were identified through the University of Minnesota (UMN) Diagnostic Laboratory and Veterinary Medical Center. Histology was reviewed by a single pathologist. Survival analysiswas performed to determine the impact of clinical and histologic data on survival. Results: The frequency of MCT diagnosis in Pugs was significantly increased compared to other dogs (OR¼2.28, 95% CI¼1.81–2.86). Twenty-five purebred Pugs with a diagnosis of MCT were identified through UMN. Multiple cutaneous tumors were documented in 14 (56%) of the dogs. Most tumors were low to intermediate grade. Only three dogs have died of their disease. Sixteen are still living (median follow-up¼660 days). The only factors predicting survival were grade, mitotic index and tumor size. Discussion: Our data confirms MCT predisposition in Pugs and suggests that mast cell tumors in Pugs are relatively benign, despite the presence of multiple cutaneous tumors in most cases. Multiple tumors in breeds with predisposition to MCT may indicate separate primaries rather than advanced stage disease. [Abstracts presented at the Veterinary Cancer Society Annual Conference Kansas City, Missouri, 3–6th November 2004]