Authors: Folk LC, Hahn AW, Patrick TB, Allen GK, Smith AB, Wilcke JR
Publications: Biomed Sci Instrum 2002;38:405-410
Species: General information systems
Diseases: Information Systems
The Veterinary Medical Database (VMDB) is a repository containing abstracts of over six million case records from 24 veterinary colleges throughout the U.S. and Canada. These case record abstracts, spanning almost 40 years, represent a valuable resource for outcomes analysis and hypothesis generation. Database records are currently encoded using the Standard Nomenclature of Veterinary Diseases and Operations (SNVDO), a precoordinated, hierarchical coding system. SNVDO has not been updated since 1977 and is outdated and inadequate to express the current state of medical knowledge. We undertook to manually map a subset of the SNVDO codes to a modern medical nomenclature, SNOMED-RT (Version 1.0), and to evaluate the quality of the resultant mappings and the acceptability of the mapping method used. We found that the distribution of frequency of use of the SNVDO codes in the VMDB records is highly skewed, with a small number of codes accounting for a large percentage of the records. We targeted our mapping efforts on that subset of codes. We found that our targeted manual mapping of the SNVDO codes to SNOMED-RT codes was feasible and produced good quality results, based on separate evaluations performed by two domain experts. However, a significant proportion of the SNVDO codes could not be mapped to a single SNOMED-RT concept, necessitating construction of multiple-code post-coordinated terms. Additionally, this manual mapping was very labor-intensive.
Date Created : 4/4/2009
Date Updated : 4/4/2009
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Website data maintained at the College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
Allen W. Hahn and Kate Anderson