Authors: Wilson JW, Kurtz HJ, Leipold HW, Lees GE
Publications: Vet Pathol 1979;16:165-179
Species: Dogs
Diseases: Spina Bifida Occulta
Spina bifida was diagnosed in four English Bulldogs and one Collie dog. These cases and the examination of records from the Veterinary Medical Data Program suggested a high incidence of spina bifida in the English Bulldog. Urinary and fecal incontinence was the most common reason for initial examination for the five dogs. Radiographs and myelography confirmed the diagnosis of spina bifida. Blood, cerebrospinal fluid and urine analyses did not aid diagnosis but urocystitis was identified. In addition to spina bifida, clinical signs and morphologic changes in the spinal cords of all five dogs fulfilled the criteria for an additional diagnosis of spinal dysraphism. A common pathogenesis for the two conditions is suggested.
Date Created : 4/4/2009
Date Updated : 4/4/2009
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Website data maintained at the College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
Allen W. Hahn and Kate Anderson